Revive Your Channel From Ghosted to Growth

Check the Pulse: Free YouTube Program

A 3-part video series showing you exactly how to turn your underperforming YouTube channel into a long-term lead-generating marketing powerhouse.

Discover why your first YouTube attempt fell short and learn the blueprint to revive your channel and start seeing real results now!

What's Included:

👉🏾 Identify Key Issues: Understand the specific challenges that caused your YouTube channel to stagnate. Whether it's your content strategy, audience engagement, or optimization practices, we'll pinpoint what's holding your channel back.

👉🏾 Real-Life Case Studies: Learn from three detailed case studies, each showcasing different niches and offers. Discover how we transformed underperforming channels into thriving, lead-generating platforms, regardless of their starting point.

👉🏾 Actionable Strategies: Get clear on the immediate steps you need to take to revive your channel. We'll prioritize the critical areas to focus on, ensuring you can move the needle quickly and effectively.

👉🏾Optimization Techniques: Dive into the specific strategies, content ideas, and optimization methods that simplify your YouTube efforts while maximizing your results. Learn how to craft videos that attract and convert your ideal audience.

👉🏾 Sustainable Growth Strategies: Learn how to create content that continually attracts and engages the right audience. We'll show you how to build a long-term strategy that ensures your channel remains active and grows steadily over time.

See What "Success" Looks Like From These Client Stories


Client One

Learn how this Career Change Coach monetizes her small YouTube channel by getting people into her group program.


Client two

Follow along as this nonprofit accounting agency owner took her channel from a ghost town to a fully engaged community that is paying to work with her firm.  


Client three

See how this consultant 4x her channel growth and is able to sell her courses passively with YouTube.

Take a beat and imagine your channel...

Before Check the Pulse

❌ You're posting consistently and doing all the things you've been told to, but still aren't getting the results you really want.

❌ You see all these other channels with thousands of views talking about the same things you do and you don't understand why their channel is doing better than yours.

❌ You've invested so much time, energy, and resources into your YouTube channel, but haven't received an ROI yet. This is starting to become an expensive hobby. 

After Check the Pulse

✅ You FINALLY see the gaps in your channel strategy. You start creating content with intention and each video is bringing in quality leads.

✅ Seeing other business owners that went through the same challenges as you helped you see the actual STRATEGY BEHIND THE SUCCESS. You get it now. You know how you should move if you want to turn YouTube into a marketing powerhouse for your business.

✅ You now know exactly what to focus on to see success. No more distractions. You have the blueprint and proof to show you what you need to do to hit the goals you want for your channel

When you Check the Pulse of your YouTube channel you'll start to get results like...

They have a low-lift marketing powerhouse that will bring in results for years. You may have tried YouTube in the past, but you haven’t tried it with the strategy you'll learn in Check the Pulse.  

This client went from having less than 80 views to having 2.2k+ views per video on average as a result of launching their low-lift YouTube strategy with me. 


This client went from having less than 50 views per video to having a channel that generates 2.5k+ views per month on average after being consistent with my YouTube strategy.


Before working with me, this client's channel had ZERO views. After 9 months, they now have a low-lift YouTube strategy that has generated over 40k+ views.


This client started from scratch with a new channel with ZERO views. After 12 months of working together, my YouTube strategy contributed to generating over 43k+ views.


When you have the right strategy in place these views convert into more people into your marketing ecosystem that you get to sell to. You get to show up online as the vibe you want to be because you have an evergreen content marketing system working for you behind the scenes.