6 week YouTube strategy sprint

Custom Organic YouTube Marketing Plan for Entreprenuers

Turn your YouTube channel into a lead generator for your business.

Boost your YouTube engagement and get more qualified leads at the same time. No more using YouTube like a content creator. It's time to treat your channel as a sales and marketing tool.

The YouTube Strategy Sprint is a 1:1 YouTube consulting program designed for business owners. We'll identify why your channel isn't converting and co-create a custom YouTube marketing plan aligned with your business goals.

We'll  have 3 - 90 minute workshop style sessions to get this done FAST. 

👉🏾 First, we audit your channel and get clear on your business and marketing goals.

👉🏾 Then, we'll create a content plan together designed to get qualified leads into your funnel every single day.

👉🏾 Last but not least, we develop an implementation strategy tailored to your busy schedule, requiring only 4-5 hours of your time per month.

👉🏾 You'll also have access to Jamar between sessions in case something comes up.

HERE’S THE truth

You're focused on the wrong things

Ditch the idea that you have to have the right camera, lighting and editing skills.

We'll make your expertise the star. The tech won't matter because we're using the search engine to position you in front of the right people when they are searching for solutions.

Stop spending time looking to influencers for the blueprint. Their goal is to entertain and keep people on YouTube for as long as possible so YouTube can run ads on their content and in return they get a percentage of the ad revenue.

Your goals are way different. You should be focused on attracting qualified leads with your content so you can get them off YouTube and into your marketing ecosystem.

There's a reason why your channel isn't making you sales and together we can figure out what what went wrong. Learn from a marketing and YouTube expert for business owners so you can see how it feels to actually get leads from content you made months or even years ago.

You don't need another YouTube course. You need a strategy that’s custom to your business and gets the right people into your funnel.

My clients get results that feel like magic, when really it’s just strategy.

They have a low-lift marketing strategy that will bring in results for years. You may have tried YouTube in the past, but you haven’t tried it with a strategic partner in your corner to get you results like …

This client went from having less than 80 views to having 2.2k+ views per video on average as a result of launching their low-lift YouTube strategy with me. 


This client went from having less than 50 views per video to having a channel that generates 2.5k+ views per month on average after being consistent with my YouTube strategy.


Before working with me, this client's channel had ZERO views. After 9 months, they now have a low-lift YouTube strategy that has generated over 40k+ views.


This client started from scratch with a new channel with ZERO views. After 12 months of working together, my YouTube strategy contributed to generating over 43k+ views.


When you have the right strategy in place these views convert into more people into your marketing ecosystem that you get to sell to. You get to show up online as the vibe you want to be because you have an evergreen content marketing system working for you behind the scenes.

YouTube Strategy Sprint

Here's what's included

This is a co-creative experience for business owners who want to grow or revive their channel and leverage YouTube as a lead generator in their business. We'll create a custom YouTube strategy and be your strategic partner for the next 6 weeks.

Here's a sneak peak at the deliverable. This is an example of what we would be able to create together.

YouTube Strategy Sprint

INVESTMENT: $3,500 (Payment Plans Available)

This is a 6-week consulting engagement. We'll create a custom 3-6 month YouTube marketing plan for your channel across 3 workshop-style sessions. You'll have strategic topics with prompts of what to say, optimized titles, tags, and thumbnail text for YouTube SEO.

Here's what you can expect:

Strategy Discovery Workshop: This is a session with the CEO/president/owner, head of marketing, and key people on your team who deeply understand your customer. During this call, we learn everything we can about your company's expertise, target audience, and industry, and analyze your current marketing system so we can start building your strategy together. We'll get clear on your marketing objectives and use this time to clarify any action items you will be responsible for during our time together. Think of this as a state of the union for your marketing ecosystem.

YouTube Search Funnel Workshop: We'll use this session to review and co-create your YouTube content marketing plan. You'll be presented with a few topics and keywords as a starting point, but we will use this time to finalize and make sure you are 100% onboard with the content plan. After the call, we'll get started on the rest: video title, secondary keywords/tags, thumbnail copy and thumbnail design direction. 

Workflow Planning and Strategy Refinement Workshop: This session is dedicated to getting clear on the next steps needed to implement the content plan and get it onto your channel. We'll create a game plan to fit this process into your busy schedule so you and your team can be as efficient as possible. To wrap up this call, Jamar will review and give personalized feedback on any outstanding action item to make sure you have everything you need to confidently implement the YouTube strategy.  

Slack Support Between Sessions: This is unlimited asynchronous private access. You can ask your questions via private text, audio, or video messages in the Slack channel. Jamar will get back to you within 2 business days, but usually faster during business hours. Typical topics of discussion include: topic ideas, lead magnet ideas, YouTube features, ad hoc reviews, filming questions, etc., but don't limit yourself! Jamar has deep knowledge of all things marketing, so use his expertise!


  • YouTube Strategy Sprints are currently $3,500 and payment plans are available.

  • This service is best for business owners with a specific expertise and brands who want to create a more evergreen content strategy to integrate with their current marketing strategy. It is not best for new business owners who are not sure of their offer, target audience, or are new to making sales in their business.

  • When you sign up for a YouTube Strategy Sprint, the process is very simple.

    1. Upon payment, we'll schedule your first workshop to dive into your goals, ideal client, etc. You will be sent a questionnaire before the call that will be used to help me make this session as efficient and productive as possible. 

    2. You'll then have access to book your other 90-min workshops. 

    3. throughout this entire time you'll have access to Jamar via slack to ask questions, brainstorm ideas or ask for feedback.

  • You'll have a finalized YouTube strategy by the end of the second workshop.

  • For the duration of your business. The strategy I give you will last you for your entire business. The topic and keyword strategy I did doesn't "go bad" over a certain time. If you choose to publish these videos 6 months from now, it will still work. That the beauty of the evergreen content strategy. I'm not creating topics off of trends. These topics and keywords are things your target audience are searching for all year long.

  • You'll receive a strategy document that outlines your marketing objectives and how YouTube is going to contribute to you achieving them. Along with the document you'll receive an YouTube content plan hosted in Airtable. It will have all the topics, prompts, optimized title, tags, and thumbnail creative direction  in one place. Here's a quick walkthrough for my visual people.

  • During our time together, your only responsibilities will be to book your sessions and complete the YouTube questionnaire 2 business days before your session.

    Depending on where you are in your marketing and YouTube journey, there may be action items that are assigned to you after the strategy discovery workshop.

    When you upload your video to YouTube all you need to do is copy and paste the items in your content plan to the YouTube fields. Super easy!

Ready for a low-lift YouTube strategy?